Excellence in dentistry
We have always nourished professionals from all over the world in a continuous training path that can enhance the results that technology makes possible today.
In this quite exceptional year we want to continue this journey with a new formula: a unique format for a high level debate, in a symbolic city. An event that brings dental excellence and innovation 4.0 from Venice to the whole world.
Dr. Vincenzo Musella ITALY
Dr. Newton Fahl Jr.BRAZIL
Dr. Javier CremadesSPAIN
Prof. Jean-Pierre SalomonFRANCE
Prof. Jacques LalevéeFRANCE
Prof. Junji TagamiJAPAN
Dr. Noboru TakahashiJAPAN
Prof. Bart Van MeerbeekBELGIUM
Dr. Andrea FabianelliITALY
Prof. Simone Grandini ITALY
Prof. Angelo PutignanoITALY
Dr. Fernando AutranSPAIN
A date full of ideas and high-level contents in which we will range from the many themes on adherence to the aspects related to the aesthetics of prosthetic materials, with a focus on the daily practice thanks to the tips & tricks reports.
On the podium there will be speeches on materials and their optical and physical properties, on the aesthetics of the smile, with in-depth studies related to direct and indirect restorations and protocols that allow feasible, teachable and predictable results.
8:30 BST (London)
Opening ceremony and introduction
Prof. Simone Grandini
Minimally invasive approach in restorations with porcelain laminate veeners
Dr. Vincenzo Musella
Simplified approach for functional and esthetic direct restorations
Dr. Noboru Takahashi
Long lasting brightness of composite veeners
Dr. Javier Cremades
Optical properties
Prof. Jean-Pierre Salomon
Photoiniating systems for dental materials
Prof. Jacques Lalevée
Essential bonding protocol for direct restorations
Prof. Junji Tagami
Dental bonding without compromise
Prof. Bart Van Meerbeek
Different approaches on cementing procedures
Dr. Andrea Fabianelli
**Stay tuned for more updates!**
Prof. Simone Grandini
The adhesion power in daily practice: everything you ever wanted to know, and never asked for
Prof. Angelo Putignano
25 years of smile’s rehabilitations using composites: an entire professional life passionately dedicated to this type of clinical treatment
Dr. Fernando Autran
Composite Veneers: the DIRECT-INDIRECT technique
Dr. Newton Fahl Jr.